Vision Impairment
Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy and Dynamic Psychotherapy for Major Depressive Disorder in a Community Mental Health Setting. A Randomized Clinical Noninferiority Trial
The purpose it to systematically assess the literature on psychosocial interventions to improve mental health (i.e. depression, anxiety, ...
Barriers and facilitators to recognise and discuss depression and anxiety by adults with vision impairment or blindness: a qualitative study
The purpose of this study was to explore visually impaired and blind adults’ views on facilitators and barriers ...
Visual Impairment, Depression and Psychological Therapies
This summary reports the findings of a review of the literature on depression and visual impairment including access ...
Mental Health of Children with Vision Impairment at 11 years of age
The purpose of the study was to compare the risk of psychiatric disturbance among sighted and vision-impaired children ...
Children and Young People with Vision Impairment and Mental Health: A Scoping Review from 2016 Onwards
The present paper undertakes a scoping review of research around children and young people with vision impairment and ...
Longitudinal Associations of Self-reported Vision Impairment With Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Older Adults in the United States
In this 5-year, nationally representative cohort study of 7584 Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older, participants with self-reported ...
How do community-based eye care practitioners approach depression in patients with low vision? A mixed methods study
The Low Vision Service Wales (LVSW) plans to introduce depression screening and management pathways.
The needs of children living with vision impairment and their families: Results Overview
Project aimed to increase our understanding of the lived experience of children with sight loss and their families.
Anxiety and depression in patients with advanced macular degeneration: current perspectives
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – despite advances in prevention and medical treatment options – remains prevalent among older ...
Creating a holistic support service for people with vision impairment
The diagnosis of visual impairment is life changing for patients as it has huge impacts on activities and ...