Health effects of employment: a systematic review of prospective studies

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Objectives The purpose of this review was to systematically summarise the literature on the health effects of employment. Methods A search for prospective studies investigating the effect of employment on health was executed in several electronic databases, and references of selected publications were checked. Subsequently, the methodological quality of each study was assessed by predefined… Continue Reading Health effects of employment: a systematic review of prospective studies

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Sight loss and minimum living standards: the additional costs of living for people of working age who are severely sight impaired and for people of pension age with acquired sight impairment

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This confirms that those with visual impairment need to spend substantially more than sighted people to achieve a minimum acceptable standard of living. It shows moreover that these additional costs vary considerably for people with different degrees of sight loss and of different ages. This research by CRSP uses the Minimum Income Standards (MIS) method… Continue Reading Sight loss and minimum living standards: the additional costs of living for people of working age who are severely sight impaired and for people of pension age with acquired sight impairment

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Trends in employment by dual sensory impairment status

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The Disability Statistics Annual Report, based on the American Community Survey, demonstrates that employment rates in 2016 among people with self-reported vision and hearing disabilities were 33.3% and 24.9% lower than people without disabilities in the United States, respectively.1 While this report assessed employment rates by sensory impairment, by design, the American Community Survey only captures the most… Continue Reading Trends in employment by dual sensory impairment status

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Keeping up appearances: the role of identity concealment in the workplace among adults with degenerative eye conditions and its relationship with wellbeing and career outcomes

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Purpose: This study aims to describe the interplay between the work trajectories and the passing patterns of individuals with degenerative eye conditions in different phases of their career, as well as the disease progression and the career and well-being outcomes associated with different works and passing trajectories. Methods: Qualitative interviews on the topic of work… Continue Reading Keeping up appearances: the role of identity concealment in the workplace among adults with degenerative eye conditions and its relationship with wellbeing and career outcomes

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Understanding fatigue in adults with visual impairment: A path analysis study of sociodemographic, psychological and health related factors

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BACKGROUND:Fatigue is a disabling problem in patients with visual impairment, but its etiology is still poorly understood. Our objective was to identify the determinants of fatigue in adults with visual impairment compared to adults with normal sight. METHODS:Cross-sectional data on fatigue and sociodemographic, psychological and health-related factors was obtained with validated questionnaires. Structural equational modeling… Continue Reading Understanding fatigue in adults with visual impairment: A path analysis study of sociodemographic, psychological and health related factors

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