Eye Work With You Too. A research project designed to identify barriers and improve access to

Man talking with volunteer

It looked at the experiences of young people reparing to transition from education and traininginto the labour market, the experiences of ndividuals who experienced sight loss later in life and the experiences of a variety of stakeholders who might contribute towards this. It used focus groups to do this. In order to provide improved person-centred… Continue Reading Eye Work With You Too. A research project designed to identify barriers and improve access to

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Access to Work: Factsheets for Customers

Woman using a desk phone

Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support programme that aims to help more disabled people start or stay in work. It can provide practical and financial support if you have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition.

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Visual Impairment and Work: Experiences of Visually Impaired People

Man talking with volunteer

This book traces the development of paid work for visually impaired people in the UK from the 18th century to the present day. It gives a voice to visually impaired people to talk about their working lives and documents the history of employment from their experience, an approach which is severely lacking in the current… Continue Reading Visual Impairment and Work: Experiences of Visually Impaired People

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