Impact of Retinitis Pigmentosa on Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Employment Among Young Adults
To determine the relationship between visual function and quality of life, education, mental health, and employment among young adults with retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
Read MoreQuantitative analyses of factors related to anxiety and depression in patients with retinitis pigmentosa
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors related to anxiety and depression in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
Read MoreDepression and Other Common Mental Disorders. Global Health Estimates
This booklet provides latest available estimates of the prevalence of depression and other common mental disorders at the global and regional level, together with data concerning the consequences of these disorders in terms of lost health.
Read MoreRole of vision loss, functional limitations and the supporting network in depression in a general population
In this study, the role of vision loss, functional limitations and social network characteristics in relation to depressive symptoms was investigated.
Read MoreWatchful waiting for subthreshold depression and anxiiety in visually impaired older adults
This study aimed to determine remission rates of subthreshold depression and anxiety, incidence rates of major depressive and anxiety disorders, and predictors of these remission and incidence rates in visually impaired older adults after a three-month ‘watchful waiting’ period.
Read MoreMental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017
This survey provides England’s best source of data on trends in child mental health.
Read MoreEye clinic liaison officers service in the United Kingdom
This is a retrospective observational study. Data were collected from the Royal National Institute of Blind People for ECLOs in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England for the first quarter of 2015.
Read MoreImproving depressive symptoms in adults with vision impairment: a trial of evidence-based ‘Problem-Solving Treatment’ integrated within low vision rehabilitation services
The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness and implementation of evidence based Problem-Solving Treatment for Primary Care (PST-PC) integrated into low vision rehabilitation (LVR) services.
Read MoreThe association of vision loss and dimensions of depression over 12 years in older adults: Findings from the Three City Study
This study explores the vision-depression relationship using a dimensional approach. 9036 participants aged 65 years and above enrolled in the Three-City study were included.
Read MoreMental Health of Children with Vision Impairment at 11 years of age
The purpose of the study was to compare the risk of psychiatric disturbance among sighted and vision-impaired children aged 11 years.
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