Retina UK Sight Loss Survey 2022: Findings from our survey of almost 700 people living with inherited sight loss
Retina UK Sight Loss Survey 2022
Read MoreThe prevalence of anxiety symptoms and disorders among ophthalmic disease patients
This study aims to clarify the estimated prevalence of anxiety symptoms and disorders among ophthalmic disease patients.
Read MoreAssociation of Visual Health With Depressive Symptoms and Brain Imaging Phenotypes Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults
To characterize the association between visual health and depression and investigate the association between depression and brain microstructure and macrostructure in subgroups divided by visual acuity.
Read MoreHigh Prevalence of Untreated Depression in Patients Accessing Low-Vision Services
Depression is common in those with a visual impairment and particularly so in those seeking help at low vision rehabilitation clinics, but just how prevalent is it and are people getting the help they need?
Read MoreLongitudinal Associations of Self-reported Vision Impairment With Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Older Adults in the United States
In this 5-year, nationally representative cohort study of 7584 Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older, participants with self-reported vision impairment at baseline had an increased hazard of reporting future symptoms of depression, and those with depression or anxiety symptoms at baseline had an increased hazard of reporting vision impairment in the future. The findings suggest… Continue Reading Longitudinal Associations of Self-reported Vision Impairment With Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Older Adults in the United States
Read MoreIllness Cognitions and Coping Self-efficacy in Depression Among Persons With Low Vision
To investigate the mediating role of coping self-efficacy (CSE) between two types of illness cognitions (i.e., acceptance and helplessness) and depressive symptoms in persons with low vision.
Read MoreMastery and self-esteem mediate the association between visual acuity and mental health: a population-based longitudinal cohort study
This study aimed to determine the influence of mastery and self-esteem on the relationship between visual acuity and mental health.
Read MoreThe nature of emotional support and counselling provision for people with sight loss in the United Kingdom
People with sight loss in the United Kingdom are known to have lower levels of emotional well-being and to be at higher risk of depression.
Read MoreRates of Comorbid Anxiety and Depression in Patients With Age-Related Macular Degeneration
The purpose of this article is to investigate how age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is associated with anxiety and depression.
Read MoreVisual and hearing impairment and retirement in older adults: A population-based cohort study
Objective: Impaired vision and hearing are common among older adults and have been shown to reduce functional independence and to reduce quality of life. This cohort study investigated the cross-sectional and temporal associations between objectively measured dual sensory impairment (DSI) and retirement from employment. Study design: 2409 Blue Mountains Eye Study participants aged 55+ years… Continue Reading Visual and hearing impairment and retirement in older adults: A population-based cohort study
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